Elaine_Weiner-Reed_Chasing Shadows Websize.jpg

Chasing Shadows

by Elaine Weiner-Reed

30 x 30 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

$3200.00 (Plus Taxes, Shipping, and Handling)

Chasing Shadows (Poem)

© 2019 Elaine Weiner-Reed

Chasing shadows… That is what

Music does – at least for a while.

Even as she takes her instrument into her

Hand, music is absorbing her…and then it takes over,

Becoming her voice. Music and song fills her

Head and chases away doubt, and sadness, and stress.

Joy replaces darkness

And hope takes flight

as her guitar strumming steers her heart into the light.

All shadows fade and are displaced.

There is no room for them here as

She steps full into the light,

her feet keeping time with words yet to be sung.

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